Thursday, June 16, 2011

to whom it may concern

well,im writing this to let u know that all of ur deeds n words have come to my acknowledgement and i gotta say tq for dat.i juz knew it was u,i knew it,the person who badmouthed other people.seriously,,stay outta my life n i will definitely stay out of urs..this cud be my last straw n before i say things i shudnt have said,its better for u to mind ur own business..aku dah lama x marah mcm nh,,n this time u have gone so far by doing that to me,things mybe have been discussed d other day n i said its ok,but tell u wat,we are humans n we do have feelings too,,remember this la,,u do it to me,,one day karma will hit u back and that time,it all comes to u.ingt la,,kita kutuk org,,kite tuh bgs sgt ke?jgn pulak rasa diri tuh bgs gile sesedap hati kutuk org bukan2.aku x cari pasal ngn ko so ko jgn cari pasal ngn warning u ;)jgn sampai aku ungkit mnda2 yg ko sdiri x nak dgr pasal diri ngko.,coz once mulut aku dah xde filter,,u wudnt want to hear dat,,seriously...;)lastly,,semua mnda dah slesai tapi skali lg aku dgr ko badmouth aku,,,tuh mknanya ko still nk cari pasal ngn aku arap ko paham lah ye,,tq2 ;)